Sunday, May 4, 2014

Getting Creative!

One of my greatest passions in life is art. I graduated with a bachelor's in fine arts and to this day have a great love of all things art. Life has gotten in the way (in a good way of course), but I don't have much time to create new pieces or work on ideas I have. My goal is to start creating more and making myself find the time to do more artwork. I do have my small photography business I do on the side and I love that I can still do something artistic without having to pull out all of my art supplies! I've even found over the years that I love knitting and I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.

I have a couple other blogs, one that focuses on my family and our life events, another one that is dedicated to my small photography business, and another one that focuses on children's and teen literature and my reviews on specific books. I also have a small Etsy shop where I've attempted to sell some jewelry creations I've made. I've always wanted to create a blog for my other creative outlets, like artwork, culinary creations, knitting, jewelry, books, and other artistic endeavors, I just have never found the time to do it. So here it goes. I hope that this blog will reflect me artistically and I am hoping it will help me create a portfolio of my artwork (old and new) and showcase some other artsy type stuff I enjoy doing!

I hope you'll enjoy seeing my posts and the artwork I create and share on here! Thanks for following.

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